Selasa, 29 Maret 2011


Culture comes from the Sanskrit word that is buddhayah, which is the plural form of buddhi (mind or intellect), defined as matters relating to the mind and human reason. In English, the culture is called culture, which comes from the Latin word Colere, namely processing or working. Can be interpreted also as cultivate the land or farming. The word culture is also sometimes translated as "culture" in Indonesian.

In each country or region must have a culture that became typical cirri place itself. Like Indonesia, an archipelagic nation which has so many cultures in every region. So do not be surprised if Indonesia is rich with culture. This time I will mambahas one of Indonesia's culture comes from the earth the western part of Indonesia, precisely dipilau western part of Java, namely West Java.

West Javanese culture or commonly called Sundanese culture. Sundanese culture with other cultures, which consist of music, dance and other arts. For music, musical instruments typical cirri of West Java is the Angklung, Calung, drum and others. Angklung is a musical instrument of the famous West Java. Musical instrument memepunyai this beautiful tone was claimed by other States as their musical instruments. However, all that's not true, because Anglkung is a native Indonesian musical instrument from West Java. Although now rarely young people who play the Angklung. But some schools in some areas in West Java as one makes Angklung Extrakulikuler in their school. Even Angklung already has a proud achievement in the international world and known by the world as musical instruments native to Indonesia. In one place, precisely in Bandung, West Java, there is a place that is making Angklung Saung Angklung Mang Ajo. Place that not only makes the Angklung, but there is a show for tourists who come there. In addition, there also provide the place of purchase by-the typical cirri of West Java. And the place that we can also learn how to play the Angklung. Many tourists who come there, not only domestic tourists alone. Foreign tourists who come there was a lot to learn and see the show Angklung.

Besides music, there is also dancing. One is the dance Jaipong. Jaipong dance is one of the typical dance of West Java. The dance is accompanied by fast music is also very famous among the people as the traditional dance of West Java. In addition to fast music accompanied one of the attractions dadi Jaipong dance is an interesting costume. Jaipong own costumes for the Kebaya with a few bright colors, fabrics and scarves. Usually Jaipong dance events staged in a place or even race. For example diacara arts school or weddings. At the wedding dance jaipong usually dipentasakan as entertainment for the guests who came. In pickles marriage, usually dance jaipong lasted 1 night dive full. Usually jaipong dance accompanied by drums and also there sinden who will accompany. The song is unusual in Paki to accompany the dance is leaf pulus jaipong and jugala.

Actually a lot of art from West Java like sisingaan derived from Sukabumi. Usually there apabiala Sisingan used circumcision ceremony. Children in circumcision will rise above sisingaan, then paraded around the village. Puppet show is also one of the arts of West Java. Puppet show is a puppet made of wood and usually wang doll used as a medium for storytelling. Stories that appear usually folklore. And usually Wayang puppet also presented at these events as entertainment wedding guests. And usually also Wayang puppet show for 1 full night. Arts of West Java is actually very benyak. these are just some of the arts. Actually, our country is rich in culture that became our pride. So love your art your own country.

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